Monday, September 22, 2014

DREAM SEQUENCE Ft XTimelord - I AM A CYLON (Dance Edit)


So whats been happening?  I asked Michael Bailey (Dream Sequence)

"Firstly, its only a small thing but iv'e dropped the "THE" of The Dream Sequence so it is now "DREAM SEQUENCE" i think it sounds more compact... Moving on.

Secondly, I am a huge fan of the 80s series BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, so in my latest offerings, i have CYE the Cylon explaining to us that he is just a Cylon while pumping dance beats & Sexy Synth sounds envelope your ears...

Also used in this track is a Fairlight Synthesizer that uses the sound from Michael Jackson's 'Beat It' ... Can you pick the sound?

THIRDLY, i have teamed up with XTimelord,.

Who is XTimelord?.... Even i don't know".

Cheers  - Michael Bailey (Dream Sequence)

My thanks to Michael for his time, I must say, I love this new track, its wicked. Like Michael i also are a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica.. There's something about a cylon, shiny, deep, metallic.

Stay tuned for more sounds





    DREAM SEQUENCE - I AM A CYLON (XTimelord Dance Edit)