Monday, February 22, 2016


Theres something strange afoot..

Well, not really,  its just Dream Sequence's music producer 'Michael Bailey' acting Strange...

Thats nothing new... haha

P.S.. No, that's not a hearing aid, Michael is always plugged into music, he lives it, he breaths it...

Great Michael, Now go make music....

As for an update, just finished recording beats and bass lines... after months of headaches of computers being, well, computers...

More soon




PLEASE, Don't forget to shout me a coffee (see link top right corner)... Keeps this site happening :)

#Dream Sequence

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Hi. Sorry for the lack of updates...

Hope everyone had a great Christmas / Break

Currently working on a new computer system, actually 2 computers... Problem is one plays well (desktop) but wont record (bloody Windows 7) and the second one glitches like mad (laptop) but records really well,,, plus having to restore all the music (software synths, settings, programs) etc etc just slows things down
I know what your thinking, no, its not an excuse... its just, not enough time in a day..
but, I' ll get there...
Lots of great ideas, just have to get them into song... hopefully not long now...

Appreciate your patience

Lots of Luv

Michael Bailey
(Dream Sequence)