Q. Who is "Dream Sequence"?
A. Dream Sequence is the work of electronic music producer ... Michael Bailey.
Q. Who is Michael Bailey and where is he from?
A. Michael is from Springwood, NSW, Australia, he is married and has 4 children.
Michael is a blog writer for Electronic80s, Soundz80s, and 8 other blog sites
Michael Bailey
Q. Why did Michael start Dream Sequence?
A. After working on Electronic80s for 3 years, his passion for 80s music was the drive to start a music project with an 80s synthesizer sound. He also stated, he wanted to leave behind a reminder to his children after he dies, as in his words "Music never Dies", 'Oh, and to give something back to the music world'
Q. Where did the name Dream Sequence come from?
A. It is a Kim Wilde song (Michael liked the sound of it)
Q. What influences the sound of Dream Sequence?
A. Australian 80s bands like Pseudo Echo, Kids in the Kitchen, Real Life, Dear Enemy, Icehouse and N.Z band Koo De Tah have influences in Dream Sequence's music.
Artists like Per Gessel (Roxette), Vince Clarke (Yazoo, Depeche Mode, Erasure) also rate high.
New bands like Cut Copy, Client Liaison, Eurotix, and a ton more often featured on the Soundz80s website.
Q. Is Dream Sequence on a recording label?
A. No
Q. Whats your favorite pizza topping?
A. Garlic Prawns or Vegetarian..
Q. Favorite Movie of all time?
A. Back to the Future, 1,2,and 3. Time travel is the dreams of anyone who loves the 80s, to go back and relive the fashion, music and big hair.
Q. Whats your favorite place to hang out or visit?
A. Where i am living now is stunning... Springwood (NSW) is in the Blue Mountains (Australia) and is a beautiful place to live, I feel very blessed, its truly magical.
Campbelltown (NSW) where i grew up, i miss that place, i lived at East Campbelltown, it was a great place, still is.
Q. Favorite band of the 80s?
A. Now that's a hard question, Its a toss up between Canadian New Wave bands, Koo De Tah, Pseudo Echo, Boxcar. Duran Duran....
I can't pick, next question please.
Q. Whats next for The Dream Sequence?
A. "Im working on material for the Soundz80s site, kinda like a theme song... but between family (raising 4 kids is a hard job), husband commitments (my wife always comes first) and my crappy health problems, it slows him down alot....
I asked him about his health issue....
"It fucks with my brain (pardon the french)" he replied, 'the pain...and the side effects of medication'.
Michael has been dead twice from a bike accident in the late 1989 (he was hit by a car going 80kmph on his way to work), He broke his pelvis in 4 places, had massive internal bleeding, 28 blood transfusions, torn bladder, dislocated shoulder, broken collarbone and a string of other problems....
Michael in 1989
I asked him about being dead.
"That's some weird shit being dead" he said, 'there is a light, a bright wonderful light, that you float in and the feeling is intense, so amazing, like euphoric feeling, that's all i remember'
If that wasn't bad enough, he had another accident at work 3 years ago and damaged his spine, so far he has had 8 spinal injections to fix the nerves and block the pain, but it hasn't worked.
"Music helps me with controlling the pain" he told me, 'Takes me to another place",
'on a positive side, if it hadn't been for the last accident i would have never gone down this path, Funny how life works', he said.
Q. Why did i start this website about Dream Sequence?
A. Apart from being a close friend of Michael's, I love the synthesizer sound of 'Dream Sequence', its different than other synth bands, i hope for Michael's sake that his band/music project really goes somewhere big, because he deserves it.
After all the shit he's been through, and is going through now with his pain, he still remains positive, and it shows in his music.
Marty Clayton 2014
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